• CELBEX 653 es un modificador tixotrópico que crea lechada de cemento de baja movilidad y se usa cuando se aplica lechada en suelos inestables, huecos llenos de agua y siempre que existan condiciones de flujo de agua. La rápida gelificación tixotrópica minimiza el lavado y permite que la lechada de cemento permanezca en su lugar y resista la dilución. CELBEX 653 es compatible con varios cementos, mezclas de cemento y bentonita y otros aditivos que mejoran el rendimiento.


    • Mezcla no tóxica de polímeros solubles en agua

    • Supera las condiciones del sitio propensas al lavado

    • Reduce el lavado, ahorra cemento

    • Permite el uso de lechadas de cemento en condiciones de agua en movimiento.


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  • CELBEX 653 est un modificateur thixotropique qui crée un coulis de ciment à faible mobilité et est utilisé lors de l'injection dans des sols instables, des vides remplis d'eau et chaque fois que des conditions d'écoulement d'eau sont présentes.

    La gélification thixotrope rapide minimise le délavage et permet au coulis de ciment de rester en place et de résister à la dilution.


    • Surmonte les conditions du site sujettes au délavage

    • Réduit le délavage, économise le ciment

    • Permet l'utilisation de coulis de ciment dans des conditions d'eau en mouvement

    • Mélange non toxique de polymères hydrosolubles

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  • MME FLEXIBLE RESIN es una resina de poliuretano de baja viscosidad diseñada para inyección de un solo componente. Penetra en grietas finas y reacciona con agua para formar una barrera de espuma flexible que detiene el flujo de fugas y filtraciones. Una vez curado, el sello hidrofóbico repele el agua, no se encogerá ni expandirá, y sirve como una solución a largo plazo para la infiltración de agua.


    • Apto para uso cerca de agua potable

    • Conserva la fuerza, el tamaño y la flexibilidad

    • Acelerador para controlar el tiempo de reacción

    • Resistente a ambientes corrosivos y fluctuaciones de temperatura

    • Libre de solventes y no tóxico

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    Seleccione la proporción adecuada de ACELERADOR FLEXIBLE MME y verifique que el tiempo de curado resultante se ajuste a las especificaciones del proyecto. Use hasta un 1% para un tiempo de reacción lento o hasta un 10% para un tiempo de reacción rápido.

    Safety Data sheets:


    Chemical Injection in Underground Parking Garage

  • 'MME FLEXIBLE RESIN' est une résine polyuréthane à faible viscosité conçue pour l’injection à un seul composant. Elle pénètre dans les fissures étroites et réagit avec l’eau pour former une barrière en mousse hydrophobe flexible qui arrête les fuites et les infiltrations. Elle convient à une utilisation à proximité d’eau potable. Une fois durci, le joint hydrophobe repousse l’eau, ne rétrécit pas, ne se dilate pas sert de solution à long terme à l’infiltration d’eau dans les structures en béton.


    • Conserve sa force, sa taille et sa flexibilité

    • Temps de réaction contrôlé en faisant varier le dosage de l'accélérateur

    • Résistant aux environnements corrosifs et aux variations de température

    • Sans solvant et non toxique

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    Sélectionnez le rapport ‘MME FLEXIBLE ACCELERATOR’ approprié et vérifiez que le temps de durcissement résultant est conforme aux spécifications du projet. Un dosage d'accélérateur typique est de 2 % pour la plupart des travaux d'injection de fissures dans le béton ; utiliser aussi bas que 1% pour un temps de réaction lent ou jusqu'à 10% pour un temps de réaction rapide.

    Fiche de données de sécurité


    ‘PUMP CLEANER’ est une solution liquide transparente et incolore qui est utilisée pour rincer les résidus de résine des pompes à coulis chimique à un et deux composants.

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    Projet en vedette

    Injection de coulis chimique dans un stationnement souterrain

  • Manual Cement Grout Pump

    The CG-050/M is a portable, skid-mounted, hand-operated grout pump. The lightweight aluminum design makes this pump perfect for smaller cement grouting jobs.



    • Excellent for many applications including hollow block fills, anchor and dowel grouting, door frame grouting, hollow metal filling, machine bases, and under slab void filling.

    • The holding hopper is connected directly to the suction of the pump for a continuous pumping operation.

    • System disassembles without tools for fast and efficient cleaning.

    • All components are easily accessible for operation, cleaning,  and maintenance.

    • Spare parts, rental units, and servicing options are available.


    Equipment Data Sheet


  • Air-Powered Cement Grout Pump

    The CG-050/A is a portable, skid-mounted, air-powered grout pump. The lightweight aluminum design makes this pump perfect for smaller cement grouting jobs.



    • Excellent for many applications including hollow block fills, anchor and dowel grouting, door frame grouting, hollow metal filling, machine bases, and under slab void filling.

    • The holding hopper is connected directly to the suction of the pump for a continuous pumping operation.

    • System disassembles without tools for fast and efficient cleaning.

    • All components are easily accessible for operation, cleaning, and maintenance.

    • Spare parts, rental units, and servicing options are available.


    Equipment Data Sheet


  • Air-Powered Chemical Grout Pump

    Multiurethanes President Pump is used on mining, tunnel, shaft and heavy civil construction projects for injection of chemical grouts to resolve problems with water inflows, soil stabilization and voids.


    • Output of up to 10 litres per minute.

    • Pressure of up to 1,000 psi.

    • #6 JIC hose connections.

    • 10-litre reservoir

    • Lightweight - 38 kg complete with hose and fittings.

    • Recommended spare parts include pump repacking kit, pressure gauge, diaphragm sleeve.

    • Spare parts, rental units, and servicing options are available.


    Equipment Data Sheet


  • Electric-Powered Chemical Grout Pump

    Multiurethanes Impact 410 Pumps are typically used for most concrete crack injection projects using water-reactive polyurethane resins.


    • Automatic pressure-actuated start/stop operation maintains injection pressures within determined limits.

    • Airless piston pumps specially modified for large grouting projects using one-component and two-component resins.

    • Injection pressure range adjustable up to 2,000 PSI by rotating knob mounted on top of pump - no tools required.

    • Max. recommended hose length = 100 feet of 1/4"hose.

    • Variable output up to 1.5 litres per minute.

    • Lightweight - 18 kg complete with hose and fittings.

    • Variable-capacity suction containers with gravity suction assembly to pump intake chamber.

    • Various resin discharge control headers to accommodate specific site conditions.

    • Spare parts, rental units, and servicing options are available.


    Equipment Data Sheet


  • MME Multiurethanes SUPERPLASTICIZER is a non-chloride, high-range, water-reducing admixture that is used to disperse cement particles and reduce cohesion of cement grouts, resulting in increased fluidity to improve cement grout penetration within concrete construction joints, granular soils and fractured rock.


    • Enables fluid cement grout mixtures to be formulated on the job site to accommodate specific site conditions.

    • Compatible with various types of cement, including regular cement, high early strength cement, sulfate-resistant cement and microfine cement, as well as with other grouting admixtures.


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    Soil Stabilization Program for Utility Contractor

  • MICROFINE CEMENT is a blast furnace slag-based ultrafine cement intended for specialty grouting applications. With a maximum particle size of ten microns and a median particle size of three microns, MICROFINE CEMENT is able to penetrate very small openings such as soil pores and microscopic rock fissures, in order to improve strength and reduce permeability.


    • Excellent permeation with high in-place strength and durability

    • Ability to adjust superplasticizer type and dosage to achieve specified results

    • Proven, highly predictable design with a long record of successful projects

    • Adjustable water/cement ratio allows grout to be formulated to meet specific project requirements

    • Brine tolerant and resistant to chemical attacks, including sulphate attack


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    MME Multiurethanes SUPERPLASTICIZER is a non-chloride, high-range, water-reducing admixture that is used to disperse cement particles and reduce cohesion of cement grouts, resulting in increased fluidity to improve cement grout penetration within concrete construction joints, granular soils and fractured rock.

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    Cement Grouting to Fill Voids Behind a Tunnel Liner

  • CELBEX 653 is a thixotropic modifier that creates low-mobility cement grout and is used when grouting in unstable soils, water-filled voids, and whenever flowing water conditions are present.

    The rapid thixotropic gelation minimizes washout and allows cement grout to remain in place and resist dilution.


    • Overcomes site conditions prone to washout

    • Reduce washout, saves cement

    • Enables the use of cement grouts in moving water conditions

    • Non-toxic blend of water-soluble polymers


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  • PUMP CLEANER is a clear colourless liquid solution that is used to flush resin residuals from one and two component chemical grout pumps.

    PUMP CLEANER is compatible with manual, electric and pneumatic chemical grout pumps often used for chemical grouting injection applications.


    • Non-flammable

    • Solvent-free and non-toxic

    • Clear colourless liquid


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