Soil Stabilization in Tunnel Construction Project

Provided soil stabilization for a complex tunnel project with several site restrictions including no drilling from surface and working in close proximity to sewer and water mains.

By |2022-09-19T07:32:56-04:001:29 pm|Chemical Grouting, Soil Stabilization, Tunnels, Water Cutoff|Comments Off on Soil Stabilization in Tunnel Construction Project

Chemical Grouting for Underground Utilities

After leaks in underground vaults damaged sensitive equipment, Multiurethanes used an experienced confined space entry team to perform strategic polyurethane injection work to stop the leaks.

By |2022-09-19T07:31:15-04:001:46 pm|Chemical Grouting, Crack Injection, Utilities, Water Cutoff|Comments Off on Chemical Grouting for Underground Utilities

Chemical Injection in Mechanical Room

A building restoration contractor experienced water leakage into the mechanical room. Polyurethane resin was injected to fill the holes, forming a semi-rigid foam barrier and preventing further water leakage.

By |2022-09-19T07:31:23-04:0010:46 am|Chemical Grouting, Crack Injection, Infrastructure, Leak sealing, Water Cutoff|Comments Off on Chemical Injection in Mechanical Room

Epoxy Injection in Canal Wall

A restoration contractor refurbishing the canal and lock gates found a joint that required to be sealed from infiltration of water. The joint was filled with epoxy, forming a rigid barrier, preventing the infiltration of water into the canal wall.

By |2022-09-19T07:31:24-04:009:46 am|Chemical Grouting, Infrastructure, Water Cutoff|Comments Off on Epoxy Injection in Canal Wall

Innovative Water Cut Off Solution for a Hard Rock Tunnel

A large tunneling contractor found itself in a difficult situation with a large flowing water leak in a new rock tunnel 20 metres underground.

By |2022-09-19T07:31:26-04:002:46 pm|Chemical Grouting, Tunnels, Water Cutoff|Comments Off on Innovative Water Cut Off Solution for a Hard Rock Tunnel

Cement Grouting to Fill Voids in Tunnel Cross Passage

Performed cement grout injection to fill voids and to stop water infiltration around the cross passage section in a tunnel.

By |2022-09-19T07:31:29-04:001:46 pm|Cement Grouting, Infrastructure, Water Cutoff|Comments Off on Cement Grouting to Fill Voids in Tunnel Cross Passage

Chemical Grouting to Stop Water Seepage into Utility Chamber

Engaged in water stop project to seal joints in precast underground utility chamber where infiltration was inevitable due to a high-water table.

By |2022-09-19T07:32:01-04:001:46 pm|Chemical Grouting, Utilities, Water Cutoff|Comments Off on Chemical Grouting to Stop Water Seepage into Utility Chamber
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