Chemical injection to Repair Construction Joints

Provided technical support to stabilize extra-large construction joints (250 m long) on a dam rehabilitation project in Western Manitoba.

By |2022-09-19T07:32:53-04:003:56 pm|Chemical Grouting, Crack Injection, Infrastructure|Comments Off on Chemical injection to Repair Construction Joints

Consolidation Grouting in a Tailings Dam

Performed consolidation grouting for a mining company in Northern Ontario to assist with the installation of a 300 m long cement grout curtain, to consolidate fractured rock beneath a new tailings dam.

By |2022-09-19T07:33:01-04:003:10 pm|Cement Grouting, Infrastructure|Comments Off on Consolidation Grouting in a Tailings Dam

Chemical Grouting for Masonry Restoration

Voids within a century old church tower required a low-density fill to prevent water infiltration from migrating within the masonry structure. Multiurethanes technical team safely filled the existing voids using durable chemical grout materials.

By |2022-09-19T07:31:17-04:001:46 pm|Chemical Grouting, Construction, Infrastructure, Residential|Comments Off on Chemical Grouting for Masonry Restoration

Soil Stabilization for High-rise Development Construction

A building restoration contractor experienced water leakage into the mechanical room. Polyurethane resin was injected to fill the holes, forming a semi-rigid foam barrier and preventing further water leakage.

By |2022-09-19T07:31:22-04:001:46 pm|Cement Grouting, Infrastructure, Leak sealing, Residential, Soil Stabilization|Comments Off on Soil Stabilization for High-rise Development Construction

Chemical Injection in Mechanical Room

A building restoration contractor experienced water leakage into the mechanical room. Polyurethane resin was injected to fill the holes, forming a semi-rigid foam barrier and preventing further water leakage.

By |2022-09-19T07:31:23-04:0010:46 am|Chemical Grouting, Crack Injection, Infrastructure, Leak sealing, Water Cutoff|Comments Off on Chemical Injection in Mechanical Room

Epoxy Injection in Canal Wall

A restoration contractor refurbishing the canal and lock gates found a joint that required to be sealed from infiltration of water. The joint was filled with epoxy, forming a rigid barrier, preventing the infiltration of water into the canal wall.

By |2022-09-19T07:31:24-04:009:46 am|Chemical Grouting, Infrastructure, Water Cutoff|Comments Off on Epoxy Injection in Canal Wall

Emergency Cement Grouting Operation to Stabilize a Retaining Wall

The City of Toronto required Multiurethanes' technical expertise for an emergency cement grouting project to stabilize an undermined retaining wall over a 50 m length.

By |2022-09-19T07:31:27-04:002:45 pm|Cement Grouting, Infrastructure, Soil Stabilization|Comments Off on Emergency Cement Grouting Operation to Stabilize a Retaining Wall

Cement Grouting to Fill Voids in Tunnel Cross Passage

Performed cement grout injection to fill voids and to stop water infiltration around the cross passage section in a tunnel.

By |2022-09-19T07:31:29-04:001:46 pm|Cement Grouting, Infrastructure, Water Cutoff|Comments Off on Cement Grouting to Fill Voids in Tunnel Cross Passage
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